We Support Your Small Business. Full Stop.
RewardSplash places your business right in the palms of Local SuperFans who are looking to spend their money on supporting local.
The RewardSplash App offers your business additional exposure and marketing opportunities.
To attract SuperFans we work with you to say thank you to them when they support your small business.
All small businesses on our platform participate in giving a percentage of what a SuperFan spends back to them in SplashCoins.
A default listing starts at just 2% of a customer's total spend given back to them in SplashCoins.
SplashCoins are held in the SuperFans RewardSplash App account and they can spend it exclusively at small businesses on RewardSplash.
Secure Your Listing, Zero Risk, 100% Upside!
No setup cost.
Cancel anytime.
You only ever pay us a platform usage fee when a shopper uses RewardSplash at your business.
How It Works
All residents of Liverpool and Fairfield City Council will be invited to collect 1 x $5 free Splash Credit and use it at a business listed on the RewardSplash app.
Shoppers discover you via the App and head into your business.
Shoppers pay for their in-store purchase via the RewardSplash App, we fund the $5 credit and the customer pays the rest via their Credit Card.
The App auto issues and tracks the Splash Coins you have agreed to issue.
We run weekly prize draws and other activities. In the prize draws lucky winners get the amount of their Splash Coins earned from the previous week doubled. We giving Small Business Superfans more reasons to show their support and shop with you.
Only 1.75% Platform Fee
If a SuperFan uses RewardSplash to pay you our platform fee is 1.75%.
Listing on the App gives you extra exposure and grab your fair share of the $5 sign up bonus Splash credit we are giving new users.
For SuperFans downloading the app is free.
For SuperFans who use the App to pay you, they will incur a 1.75% fee for payment processing, this comes from the customer to RewardSplash and doesn't affect your revenues or profits.
Risk Free